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Monday, April 4, 2022

Complete guide to on-page SEO for beginners

SEO Dude  |  at  April 04, 2022  |  , , ,  |  2 comments

Complete On Page SEO Guide for Beginners 2022

Complete On Page SEO Guide for Beginners 2022.

On-Page SEO is all about optimizing website pages to help them get ranking. In on-site SEO, we work on fixing the page-level elements of a website.

On-page optimization is the key to any website's success. Without traffic, it is hard to create more sales or increase your conversion rates. Everybody is focusing on Google to attract more traffic to their sites.

When you surf the Internet, you will find many optimization methods, and plenty of them don't work in 2021.

Thus we include the best On-Site SEO strategies that you should give importance to in 2022.

The Meta Keywords tag's presence does not affect your website rankings. So you can ignore that. You are aware of the tips in the SEO Guide for Beginners, which you're implementing on your website.

On-page elements use tons of HTML tags. It includes Title, Meta, heading, and image tags. It also includes bold letters, italics, underlines, listing type tags, etc.

We need to make sure we are using the targeted keywords within our website content. Following things have to get kept in mind while doing on-page optimization.

complete guide to on-page SEO for beginners

1. Writing SEO Optimized Titles Most Important

If You aren't focusing on optimizing your titles, you won't get organic traffic.

That is the most significant factor you need to give particular attention to it.

It would help if you were certain you include targeted keywords at the beginning of your name. You should restrict your title from 50 to 56 characters only (such as spaces).

You should write a title copy that people will find interesting enough to get clicked. It can enable you to get higher CTR in search engine results pages.

Use the target keyword towards the beginning of the name and write it, maintaining CTR in mind.

2. SEO Friendly URLs: Keep them Short

By looking at your Site URLs, people understand the content type they served on these pages.

So you should include your targeted keywords in your URLs. Always try to have the target keywords towards the beginning of the URL. Its attempt to keep it brief so that individuals can remember it with ease. You can use your primary keyword in the URL and keep it short.

3. Single H1 Tag on the Page: Maintain Your Headline Text Here

You make sure there's a single H1 tag (heading tag) on all your website pages. You can crosscheck the same by checking the source code of any of your site pages.

With most SEO-friendly WordPress topics, the headline to the post used to be in the H1 tag. If it is the same with you, you're all set, and you have to use your target keyword again in content.

It would help if you made sure that there is only one H1 title tag.

4. Use Targeted Keywords & LSI Keywords in H2 & H3 Tags

You can use the primary keyword and its related keywords (LSI keywords ) from h2 and h3 tags.

For example, the primary Keyword targeting is On-Page SEO. We will attempt to incorporate it in h1, h2, and h3 tags. Apart from that, you can try to include other associated keywords. It has off-page SEO, optimizing articles, on-page optimization, in heading tags.

Use Primary Keyword once in H2 and H3 tags as well once. We can do Internal Linking to Pass on SEO Link Juice & To Better Engagement.

5. Do Internal Linking to Pass on SEO Juice & for Superior Engagement

Internal linking is about adding links for relevant posts and pages from the content.

Internal linking will help you send more targeted traffic to the linked pages. Customers will also spend more time since they will browse the pages linked.

This way, you'll Be able to pass on the much-needed SEO juice and domain authority to the linked pages.

You can connect to pages to get better search Rankings and consumer engagement.

6. Usage of Primary Keywords in First and last 100 words

Keyword positioning is essential in regards to getting top rankings on Google.

It gets advised to use your primary keyword in the first 100 words and then after your content in the last 100 words.

Use the target keyword once in the first 100 and continue 100 words. You can use the keyword position tool to find out the page's ranking on a particular keyword.

7. Ensure That Your Site is Mobile Friendly

Google has already lowered down the positions of websites that are not mobile-friendly. So you should ensure that your website is mobile-friendly.

You can check the mobile-friendliness from the top Google Free and Premium Tools.

8. Transfer Your Website into HTTPS (Secured Website) Version

If you invest some time researching the best results in Google, you will notice a lot of HTTPS sites showing up.

Google is offering ranking increases to sites that are secure (on HTTP version).

If you haven't transferred your website from the HTTP to the HTTPS version, do it.

Most well-known hosts are offering free SSL configuration to their clients.

So moving to a secured version shouldn't be a hassle for you.

Ensure that Your website gets wholly secured, and all pages should be on the HTTPS version.

9. Write Focused Meta Description for More Clicks from Google

Description copy doesn't play any part in your website search engine rankings.

But most of the time, Google Used to appear meta description data as part of your website list in search results. You can use our Meta Tag Generator for generating the Meta Tag.

So writing a good meta Description copy can help get more clicks on your website. Even if your website gets placed below your competitor sites in SERPs. Our Meta Tag Analyzer tool helps in analyzing the Meta Tag in all your web pages.

10. Optimize Image Names & Alternate Tag to Get Traffic

ALT tag plays an integral role in Increasing your visitors from Google.

If you have optimized images, you will get traffic from Google image search results.

Your image names should get created, keeping your targeted keyword in mind.

You should add alternative text with each image used on your site pages.

If you use images from Google or another site, don't forget to connect to the original owners.

This way, you won't face any copyright issues later on. You should also check out some free picture editing tools before uploading.

11. Connect To Trusted Domains to Enhance Your Domain TrustRank

Outbound linking get considered one of the primary rank aspects in on-page SEO.

If you would like to get better search results, try linking to a reputable and relevant domain.

Google maintains TrustRank for each Site. It gets calculated based on what you are connecting to and what type of websites link to you.

You can make sure you link to sites and sites having good TrustRank in the eyes of Google.

12. Select the Preferred Version of the Website

Canonicalization is about deciding if we use the www or non-www version for site pages.

We need to be consistent with that and ought to go with only one version. Afterward, needs to get redirected (301 redirects) to the first.

And when linking to our website pages, we ought to join using the preferred version.

Suppose if you've decided to use the www variant to your site pages. In this case, all non-www versions ought to get redirected to their www versions.

We should make sure we're using www with our site URLs, not other variants (i.e. non www).

13. Write High Quality and Unique Contents

High-quality content gets considered one of the essential On-page optimization strategies.

When writing content for your site, you need to be specific. You deliver relevant content rather than copying website content. You can use our Article Rewriter tool for unique content.

If you're copying others' contents, you are making a blunder. You'll additionally get penalized by Google for performing such plagiarism practices.

After the latest algorithmic update, Google has become quite strict against low content.

Google has decreased the ranks of websites since it provided scrapped content.

14. Use Robots.txt File

Robots.txt file plays a vital part in getting your web pages and contents crawled by Google bots.

Robots.txt files get used to blocking particular content types from our site. We can use this document to block specific files, certain folders, and specific URLs.

There will be a specific content type with each website that we don't want to show to search engines. And we all fulfill that purpose via the robots.txt file.

15. Keyword Density: Do not Overdo it

Keyword density is about repeating the targeted keywords in your site content.

Keyword density gets calculated based on the number of times each keyword gets used. It is then divided by a total number of words. Then multiply the result by 100 to get your keyword density percentage.

Suppose the targeted keywords 'On-page SEO' can get used eight times in webpage content. The total word count on that page is 400 words. So the keyword density for 'On-line actions' duration on that web page will be 2%. Check your webpage by using our Keyword Density Tool.

It would help if you tried to Restrict your keyword density to 1 percent only.

16. Website Loading Speed Is Important

Google has started taking Website speed as necessary. It is among the most crucial ranking element in Google.

By improving your site speed, you can expect a better position in Google.

We took action in this direction and tried to load all our website pages within 2 seconds.

You can use the various tools to check your website home and internal page rate on mobile & desktop.

17. Insert Social Sharing Icons in Prominent Positions

Make it simple for individuals to discuss your content on social media channels.

Add social media Icons (Relevant to a niche) on prominent positions in your blog posts. So, many of your blog readers can find and share them.

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