Hair Care Nourishment Tips By Shahnaz Husain

 Hair Care Nourishment Tips By Shahnaz Husain

When it comes to nutrition, the first thing to keep in mind is that the body must be in good health. A low-nutrient diet, lack of sleep, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and illness will all have an impact on the hair. Hair is nourished by the blood that flows to the follicles, so a healthy diet and excellent blood circulation are essential. In terms of regular hair care, it also needs external sustenance.

We must learn to handle our hair as if it were a fragile fabric. Natural components are good in this regard, and some of them are readily available at home.

Hair Care Nourishment Tips By Shahnaz Husain

Home hair cleanser

You can make your hair washing preparation. Plant ingredients like reetha and shikakai are powerful natural cleansers, yet they have a gentle action. They also have other beneficial properties. Amla is rich in Vitamin C and helps to restore the normal acid-alkaline balance of the scalp. Take a handful of dried reetha, shikakai, and amla and mix them. Place them in a litre of water and soak them overnight. The next day, simmer the herbs and water on low heat until the water is reduced to half its original volume. Do not boil it over a high heat source. Allow cooling before straining through a clean cloth. Wash your hair with the liquid. This amount should last for four washes. Refrigerate your homemade hair cleaner until you're ready to use it. Make small quantities at a time. Large quantities should not be kept over a long period.


The application of oil with a light massage helps to stimulate blood circulation to the follicles and also softens hair texture. The hair should not be rubbed vigorously. To move the scalp with slight rotating movements, only the fingertips should be utilised. Oils have distinct qualities and advantages. Olive oil, for example, aids in the restoration of the scalp's normal acid-alkaline balance. It's good for oily hair, dandruff-prone hair. In India, pure coconut oil is most widely utilised. It is supposed to help enhance hair texture and boost growth. Almond oil is very healthy for too dry hair. Oils can also be blended with several distinct ingredients and applied to the hair.

Home hair cleanser

Hair oil with amla and methi

Take 10 to 15 gms of dry amla and one teaspoon of fenugreek (methi) seeds. Crumble both amla and methi grains coarsely. Combine them with 100 mL coconut or sesame seed (til) oil. In a glass jar with a tight-fitting cover, combine all of the ingredients. Allow it to sit in the sun for 15 days, stirring it every day to mix the ingredients. Strain the oil through a clean muslin cloth after 15 days and store it in a glass jar. This oil can be attributed to the hair. It is beneficial to all hair types as well as dandruff.

For Oily Hair And Dandruff

Heat pure coconut oil or sesame seed (til) oil or pure olive oil and apply it on the scalp at night, using cotton wool. To dislodge dandruff flakes, rub gently while you apply the oil. Leave the oil on overnight. Next morning, apply the juice of a lemon to the scalp and wash your hair after half an hour.

One of the most versatile ingredients is the egg. Silicon, sulphur, and fatty acids are all nutrients for the hair. The egg white also has a strong cleaning effect. Applied to the hair, the egg coats and enhances thickness, glow and body. If you have been using chemical dyes, colours and styling procedures, it is all the more important to nourish your hair regularly with natural ingredients. They are non-toxic and do not harm the hair's structure. They're great for hair protection, prevention and even correction.

Shahnaz Husain is a renowned beauty and wellness expert. She is the Founder, Chairperson, and Managing Director of The Shahnaz Husain Group.

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Source: HerZindagi


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